Week 6- Visual Literacy Journey

Tuesday 3rd March 2015. Visual Literacy Now

In Semiotics what can matter more is when you leave something out of a piece of communication rather than what you put in it.

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Above is the cover for the Galt Toys catalogue by Ken Garland. Often we use proximity to group elements together and in this case Garland has used the same colour and same typeface so you know the blue letters are one word and the red letters are one word. This makes it easier for the viewer to point out that it says ‘Galt Toys’. The play on the letters links well to the fact it is about toys which are fun and playful.



People view different gestures in different ways for example thumbs up can be used by pilots, hitchhikers or divers whereas in the Middle East it is viewed pretty much the opposite and can be classed as insulting to some people. This links to the ‘Reading Images’ lecture in week 3 where I used the man lifting his hat as an example of different levels of meaning. Some class it as politeness whereas others class it as disrespectful.

Number13The number 13 can be interpreted in different ways. The denotation is that it is a number which when 6 and 7 are added together this is the outcome. The connotation is that it is an unlucky number associated with fear and suspicion.

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When everyone looks at this we all think of different meanings. Some will just look at it as the number 9 and 11 whereas others will associate it with the 9/11 terrorist attacks of the twin towers.

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Gestalt makes reference to the theories of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the 1920’s.

similarity01Similarity- Similar shapes which are often perceived as a group or a pattern.


Continuation- When the eye is forced to move through an object and continue through to another object.


Closure- An incomplete object which the mind will fill in the gaps if enough of the shape is indicated.


Proximity- When elements are placed close together and tend to be perceived as a group.


Figure ground- Describes the eye’s tendency to see and separate objects from their surrounding background. The figure is the foreground and the ground is the background.

Type as a signifier

When a designer is conveying  a message the font, size, weight and colour of the type are elements which are designed deliberately. Messages are communicated not only through the composition of the type but the semiotic reading of type as an image. It would be unusual to see the font ‘Comic Sans’ on a grave stone.

Colour technical

Colour wheel- primary, secondary, tertiary

Additive colour system– red, green, blue- more light you add the brighter the colour mix

Subtractive colour system– red, yellow, blue- primaries which can not be created through mixing any other colours

CMYK- Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black

As printers emerged this resulted in the 3 primary colours being replaced by CMYK- enabled printed to produce a wider range of colours on paper.

Different colours connote different meanings in colour psychology, portraying emotional messages. Purple – spiritual. Green – natural. Blue – safe.

In advertising colour is one of the main focuses as this is what connects the viewer emotionally to the selling point.

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– Connecting content

– Creating patterns

– Stressing a word or phrase


– Geometric- circles, squares

– Abstract- graphics, icons

– Natural/ Organic- leaves, people


– How light or dark an area is

– Creates depth and contrast


– The surface of an object

– Adds visual interest


– Conveys importance

– Eye catching

Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio is a special number which is formed “by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.” http://www.livescience.com/37704-phi-golden-ratio.html

“An equation that rules the relation between two sections in a design.”

“Some artists and architects believe the Golden Ratio makes the most pleasing and beautiful shape.” http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/golden-ratio.html




– The area around the main elements in a design

– Leads the eye where its needed to be



The shape of the Levi’s jeans logo is down to the shape of the stitching on the back pocket of the jeans. It is simple yet effective.

Everyone has a different exploration of design that won’t correspond to yours.

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